A sudden serious disease gives rise to confusion and fear, sometimes even despair. But it is capable of bringing us closer to its deep essence and helps to understand its purpose. Svetlana, Elena and Valentina gave their illness the meaning and so gained strength to overcome it. An important lesson in life.
“She sets a new coordinate system, new scale in life,” says the writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya about her experience. – Important and unimportant are not in the place where you placed them earlier. The disease can give you a very strong sense of life “*. She is the shortest way to herself. “Faced at this moment with very strong feelings, and above all – with the fear of death, men and women feel more acutely, devastation, joy and compassion,” says the oncopsychologist Vyacheslav Yanston. – The disease changes a person, his habits, addictions. She teaches to be attentive to herself, hear other people and notice the main thing “.
About it
“Testing the disease: how to survive breast cancer”
The surgeon and the psychotherapist reproduce dialogs with his patients, their experiences about a serious illness, talks about the reaction to the disease of their loved ones. He reflects on how important it is for recovery to cope with the fear of death, believe in himself and his healing, feel his body, learn to be alone with himself (Corpus, 2009).
Some of those who are in such a situation begin to painfully look for the meaning of the disease. “The patient begins to seem,” continues Vyacheslav Yanston, “that the ailment was given to him for the fact that he lives incorrectly. I try to help not to devalue life, but to fill its current existence with meaning. I propose to talk aloud about the situations that disturb them. And then it becomes much more clearly why right now a person was thinking about this, what is important to him today, except for treatment and struggle for life, which causes positive emotions ”. So the disease helps to find what really likes, interests. “I observe how my patients – after some pause – begin to reflect on themselves, about the rhythm of their life, about the obligations to others … and at that moment many come to mind: why I do that I do not need in principle? People begin to understand: they are at home. And they are worthy to live the way they want, ”concludes oncopsychologist.
“Patients realize that the race of life is just a bustle,” adds a mammologist, chief consultant
of Avon charity program “Together against Breast cancer” Galina Korzhenkova. -It becomes significant and valuable what before they could simply not pay attention to. Upon learning from his own experience that today a person can be healthy and prosperous, and tomorrow it is sick and dependent, they become more sensitive and attentive to other people ”.
* Excerpt from the piercing monologue of Lyudmila Ulitskaya in the documentary of Katerina Gordeeva “Win Cancer” can be found on the website of the NTV channel – NTV.ru
About it
“Testing the disease: how to survive breast cancer” Thierry Jansen
The surgeon and the psychotherapist reproduce dialogs with his patients, their experiences about a serious illness, talks about the reaction to the disease of their loved ones. He reflects on how important it is for recovery to cope with the fear of death, believe in himself and his healing, feel his body, learn to be alone with himself (Corpus, 2009).
“Previously, I was very active, worked a lot, believed that I could solve any problem with an effort of will. But four years ago I somehow quickly collapsed-I began to get tired quickly, to hear badly, lost orientation in space, I had a noise in my ears. The most painful is that the attacks of the disease roll completely unexpectedly. My attending physician said that I need to avoid stress and negative emotions. But how? After all, I work, handle the team, are responsible for the results of my employees. And this is not counting personal experiences … I treat other diseases very simply: I pretend that they are not. And with Mener’s syndrome it is impossible to “agree”. I have to remember: I am unhealthy, I can’t be nervous, the attack can be found at work, on the street – anywhere. I will instantly become helpless, and then I will feel awkward and shame. And yet, gradually I get used to the disease. She teaches me not to rush headlong, but to walk;Watch the TV less;If you choose a book, then easy reading;more often say “no”, thereby reducing the number of obligations and the degree of its lack of freedom. It was the ailment that made me think: why do I need this avalanche of information if my own thoughts and desires are lost in it? I stopped fussing and doing what someone needs, and not me, stopped noticing the unnecessary. Having lost part of hearing and vision, I learned to see and hear important for me “. * With Menyer’s disease, liquid accumulates in the inner ear cavity. Because of this, dizziness, noise in the ears suddenly arise, a person loses his balance. The attack lasts from several hours to several days.
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